Employees may be asked to present at external industry events or to write articles for external industry publications. Before doing so, most oil and gas employers insist that their employees receive business unit and corporate legal approval to ensure the employee is not exposing company proprietary information. These requirements may also include approvals for abstracts, outlines and drafts.
Employers may also require employees to receive business unit and corporate legal approval to give presentations at internal conferences and to write articles for internal publications if competitors or other outside entities will attend the conference or have access to the publication.
O&G Industry External Publications may include:
- Articles in Magazines and Newspapers such as Oil & Gas Journal, JPT, Texas Oil & Gas Magazine, World Oil Magazine, Offshore Drilling, Upstream, Etc.
- Whitepapers– authoritative reports or guides helping readers solve a problem, make a decision, or understand an issue related to the oil and gas industry. Usually submitted to organizations and associations.