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This certification is the first of its kind for vendors and suppliers that support the oil and gas industry. Industry administrative professionals, employed by global industry giants, independent E&P companies as well as grass-root small businesses, created the Oil and Gas Administrative Professionals (OGAP) certification and modified the certification to fit the vendors and suppliers that are in partnership with them.

The certification’s robust criterion is designed to measure and validate the OGVS’s proven understanding and demonstrated knowledge of the oil & gas industry, add to the OGVS’s technical knowledge, and helps the bridge the communication barrier vendors and suppliers may face with doing business with oil and gas professionals. The program is endorsed by oil and industry experts and leaders from a cross-section of global oil and gas companies and organizations.

This certification demonstrates “industry” knowledge and is in no way specifically based on operations or policies of one particular oil and gas company or organization.



  1. What is the Oil & Gas Vendor and Supplier Certification Program?
  2. Why should I become a Certified Oil & Gas Vendor and Supplier?
  3. Who may take the exam for OGVS Certification?
  4. Are there prerequisites or requirements for certification?
  5. How is the exam administered?
  6. How will I show that this certification is valuable?
  7. How long does it take to complete the actual exam?
  8. May I start the certification modules one day and complete the exam another day?
  9. If I do not pass the final certification exam, may I re-take it?
  10. Are there any pre-study guides?
  11. What are the OGVS Certification course fees?
  12. How long does certification last?
  13. How long will it take to receive my certificate once I’ve passed the exam?
  14. Where should I seek further information about the program?

Q. What is the Oil & Gas Vendor and Supplier Certification Program?
A. Administrative professionals from global oil and gas companies met at the 1st Annual Oil & Gas Admins International Conference and Vendor Exhibition to share experiences and expertise to help build the course criteria for the Oil & Gas Administrative Professional Certification Program. This certification is the first of its kind for oil and gas industry administrative support professionals. Industry administrative professionals, employed by global industry giants, independent E&P companies as well as grass-root small businesses, created the Oil and Gas Administrative Professionals (OGAP) certification. The certification’s robust criterion is designed to measure and validate the OGAP’s proven understanding and demonstrated knowledge of the oil & gas industry and administrative support standards, add to the OGAP’s technical knowledge, and provide a venue that defines the OGAP’s value and improved marketability within the oil and gas industry. The program is endorsed by oil and industry experts and leaders from a cross-section of global oil and gas companies and organizations.

This certification demonstrates “industry” knowledge and is in no way specifically based on operations or policies of one particular oil and gas company or organization.

Q. Why should I become a certified Oil & Gas Vendor and Supplier? (OGVS)?
A. As a vendor and supplier to the oil and gas industry, taking the OGVS Certification helps you become more familiar with the industry you are serving and helps to bridge the communication gap, effectively creating a better partnership with your customer.

Q. Who may take the exam for OGVS Certification?
A. All vendors and suppliers that serve the oil and gas industry may take the exam, i.e. employees of hotels, restaurants, promotional products companies, transportation companies, florists, event planners, etc.

Q. Are there prerequisites or requirements for certification?
A. Verify current employment as a vendor or supplier and provide at least one reference in the oil and gas industry.

Q. How is the exam administered?
A. The OGVS Certification is based on a series of modules. Each module focuses on a specific topic in the certification program, followed by a series of test questions. A final overall test of the modules will determine certification.

The modules were designed specifically to “educate” the user using a simplistic and succinct format without trick questions and irrelevant “filler” information. The goal is to ensure the user has the best possible chance of retaining the information and that the information provides immediate value to the user.

The OGVS Certification program is computer-based and on-demand.

Q. How will I show that this certification is valuable?
A. O&GA International will communicate and list all vendors and suppliers that have taken the exam on the organization’s main website and will also communicate to all members of the organization when a vendor or supplier has passed the certification course.

Q. How long does it take to complete the actual exam?
A. It takes registrants on average about four hours to go through the actual modules and pre-tests. Registrants will be given one timed hour to complete the final certification exam.

Q. May I start the certification modules one day and complete the exam another day?
A. You may review the modules and take the pre-test questions at your leisure.  Once you begin the final exam you will be given one-hour for completion. You will not have the opportunity to stop the final exam once you begin.

Q. If I do not pass the final certification exam, may I re-take it?
A. Registrants may re-take the certification exam once per quarter, no more than three times in one year.

Q. Are there any pre-test study guides?
A. Pre-test study guides are not provided as the certification is module based and designed in a mnemonic format to aid in information retention. Reference material is available during the certification.

Q. What are the OGVS Certification course fees?
A. Current O&GA Membership fees of $250.00 does not include the cost of certification; however it entitles the vendor or supplier to reduced certification fees as well as a number of other paid membership perks. Certification fees are as follows:

$250.00 – *$150.00 PROMO RATE
$450.00 – non-members *$350.00 PROMO RATE

Q. How long does certification last?
A. Once certified, credentials are good for three years.

Q. How long will it take to receive my certificate once I’ve passed the exam?
A. You will receive your official certificate by mail no more than two weeks after you have passed the exam.

Q. Where should I seek further information about the program?
A. You may complete the form below to find answers to any additional questions you may have about the certification program. Your question may be added to the list of FAQs should we feel others may benefit from the answer to your question. We will not show your name or contact information.