People, in general, intrigue me. To put a “Debra” twist on Forest Gump’s quote, “people are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get until you bite into them (well, let’s just say, ‘get to know them’)”.
Have you ever met that admin that makes you wonder, “What were they thinking”, “Where did they find her” or how about, “hmmmm”? I had such an experience.
I was somewhere between “why” and “humm” when I first met this unique individual. As I watched this sassy lady ace her learning curve, and radically adapt to the corporate culture, I was compelled to ponder the situation. My ah-ha moment came when I reached out to introduce myself to the new admin; and all I could say was “wow”!
This professional admin sported a beautifully cut suit, perfect makeup; she was the picture of poise and grace. I honestly am ashamed of my stereotypical profiling, and consider myself blessed to call her friend.
This precious lady taught me a most valuable lesson about success! We must embrace radical change and sustainable integrity.
Embracing Radical Change (Viewpoint)
- Radical change is all around us. If we are sitting static, we are dying. Change is the only constant in the universe. In this day and age, change is RADICAL.
- Radical (www.google.com): 1. Of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference. 2. Thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in policy of a company.
- www.Thesaurus.com provides the following main entry for “radical change”: Quantum leap. Definition: Sudden progress. Synonyms: abrupt change, advance, breakthrough, giant strides, inspiration, jump, leaps and bounds, transilience.
- Radical change is a two way street!
- Break through stereotypes.
- Allow for individuality. It’s our diversity, uniqueness that adds the flavor to life.
- Give room for culture, environment and beginnings.
- What about you is strange, unique, diverse?
- How would you like for others to think about you, what impression would you like to leave when you walk away?
- Change your lens.
- Can’t help but remember the adage of the woman who complained about how dirty her neighbor’s car was, until the day someone washed her windows.
- What is your vantage point??
Sustainable Integrity (Core Deep)
Sustainable (www.merriam-webster.com): Able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed. (www.google.com): Able to be upheld or defended
Integrity (www.merriam-webster.com): The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preserve the integrity of the empire.
- www.Thesaurus.com Definition: Honor, uprightness. Synonyms: candor, forthrightness, goodness, honestness, honesty, honorableness, incorruptibility, incorruption, principle, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, sincerity, straightforwardness, virtue.
In this industry, we commonly hear about the integrity of plays, derricks or reserves; today I challenge you to consider the integrity of your “personal development “ assets.
Here are some steps to consider:
- Consider available resources when determining your integrity (sustainability):
- Ask a friend
- Journal
- Draw a picture
- Take a walk
- Use your Employee Assistance Program
- Objectively determine where you got off track. Understanding what derailed us often prevents a recurrence.
- Write it down. Map out the road to getting back on track.
- Leave a trail! Now that you know the right direction, get to it! Take that first leap of faith. One step at a time.
- Share your story, success is contagious. Remember, your destiny always forges a trail for others to follow.
I was clearly uncomfortable with a new, strong personality, that seemed determined to upturn my apple cart. I almost missed an endearing acquaintance with an exceptional administrative professional. Today I honor a lady who chose to not sacrifice her core integrity on the altar of traditional industry conservatism. By maintaining her integrity, keeping to her personal ‘true north’; this lady demonstrated her sustainable genuine core self. I challenge you to take a quantum leap: Embrace radical change and sustainable integrity.
Debra Womack-Bourghs
Executive Ambassador
Oil & Gas Admins International