Thank you very much for your interest in offering a training course through Oil & Gas Admins International. We are very happy to help develop and deliver your course content. Please review the course requirements below.
When you have reviewed the course requirements, please complete and submit the Acknowledgement Form* below.
*The form may not be visible with some versions of Internet Explorer. Please open the page in Google Chrome should you encounter any issues.
Speakers must meet ALL requirements before courses are offered through Oil & Gas Admins International (O&GA). Please review our Course Curriculum Requirements below.
Course fees are determined and set by the course creator. We encourage the course owner to keep in mind the audience and prices of comparable industry courses when setting your fees. Oil & Gas Admins International will add an additional 10% fee to your course fee to cover our costs of marketing the course and offering it online. For example, if you charge $500.00 for your course, we will offer the course to our audience at $550.00.
All attendee registration fees will be collected through O&GA. To ensure delivery of the course, course owners will receive payment of registration fees on the date of course execution before the course begins. Course owners will receive weekly attendee registration reports for accounting purposes. Please carefully read the Course Cancellation policy below.
*Course owners may offer free web-based courses.
Course owners may elect to deliver their course via webinar instead of in-person format. All webinars must adhere to the same Training Course Requirements as in-person courses.
Course owners may elect to provide a link to their webinar for promotion and registration through the O&GA site (content approval required), or they may elect to have O&GA create the webinar for them.
Webinars promoted and advertised through O&GA will assess a 10% fee added to the course registration fee set by the course owner (per registration). For example, if you charge $150.00 for your course, we will offer the course to our audience at $165.00.
Should the course owner wish to have O&GA create the webinar, an additional 10% fee will be added to the registration fee set by the course owner (per registration). For example, if you charge $150.00 for your course, we will offer the course to our audience at $180.00.
Venues for O&GA courses must be professional in nature keeping in mind the high-level of standards required by the audience. Venue, catering and audio visual costs are at the expense of the course owner. Course owners may secure sponsors to cover the expenses, however the venue must be approved by O&GA before the course is offered.
O&GA can secure a venue, catering and audio visual for the course owner for a one-time non-refundable fee of $250.00.
The O&GA audience of attendees are typically from diverse and global backgrounds. ALL course material must be reviewed prior to offering the course to ensure the course does not offer any material that is sensitive or offensive in nature to our audience.
Food offered at courses MUST be labeled to ensure that those with religious, medical or dietary sensitivities are well aware of how the food was prepared. Example: Contains nuts, contains pork, etc.
Course owners may secure their own sponsors and advertisers for the course without penalty or fee to O&GA through their own communications, social media sites, and websites. O&GA reserves the right to secure sponsors and advertisers for the course without penalty or fee to the course owner. All sponsors and advertisers must be professional in nature keeping in mind the target audience.
Course owners may promote the course without limitation according to the following provisions:
O&GA will promote the course to its members and the oil and energy global community through its websites, social media sites, and e-mail distribution lists.
Course owners may perform drawings, and provide giveaways and promotional products during the course without penalty or obligation to O&GA. O&GA reserves the right to distribute promotional products and giveaways to the course attendees without penalty or obligation to the course owner. If performing drawings or giving away promotional products from sponsors, course owners must keep in mind the nature of the industry and the target audience.
Due to the privacy of our membership, O&GA cannot share e-mail distribution lists or membership lists with course owners.
Course owners may request to receive business cards or other contact information from attendees at the event.
Course dates will be determined by the course owner. O&GA would like the course owner to keep in mind the following when choosing course dates:
Course owners will be required to provide the following for course execution:
O&GA may print all required materials at cost to the course owner if the materials are ready for print.
O&GA may set-up and print required course materials and name badges for a non-refundable fee of $100 (excluding the print fees).
The $100.00 fee includes an O&GA attendant to set-up the registration desk, check-in attendees and hand out materials the day of the event.
O&GA will promote the course through all avenues agreed to in the course development but will make NO GUARANTEE on the number of attendees that will register for or attend the course and will not be liable for any losses incurred by the course owner.
Course owner may elect to cancel the training course no less than one month prior to the course date. Attendees will receive a full refund at the time of cancellation or the course owner must reschedule and deliver the SAME course within one month of the cancellation date, at which time, the course fees will be transferred to the rescheduled course.
Should the course owner cancel the course less than one month prior to the scheduled course date for any reason other than Force Majeure, ALL fees will be refunded to the registrants and O&GA may determine if the course will have the opportunity to be rescheduled at a later date. O&GA reserves the right assess a fee of $250.00 to the course owner and may deny any future opportunities for the course owner to offer courses through O&GA.
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