A Sincere Thank You to Norris Conference Center for Hosting the June O&GA Networking Event

Norris_MeetingPlannerAppOpenHouseCCIt was so wonderful to see so many new people at the O&GA Networking event hosted by Norris Conference Center last night.  Such invigorating networking and wonderful sharing of best practices by O&GA International Executive Ambassador Debra Womack-Bourghs!  A huge THANK YOU to Lana O’Neil and Norris Conference Center for hosting the event and for providing excellent food, a great giveaway and a beautiful venue!

We encourage you to please partner with
Norris Conference Center for their wonderful meeting and event space in Houston’s beautiful City Centre.  Contact Lana O’Neil at l.oneil@norriscenters.com.  

Join Norris at their Open House Tuesday, June 28th from 3-6 PM.  Click the icon above to see the invitation.