Category: Announcements

Janeen Judah to Keynote at the 2nd Annual O&GA International Conference and Vendor Exhibition

We are very proud to announce Janeen Judah, General Manager of Chevron’s Southern Africa Strategic Business Unit as a keynote speaker for the 2nd Annual O&GA International Conference and Vendor Exhibition.

Ms. Judah is a Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, serving in many local leadership roles including Chair of both the Permian Basin and Gulf Coast (Houston) sections.  She has served two terms on the international Board of Directors, as the regional director for Gulf Coast NA and currently as VP-Finance and will be the 2017 international President.

She has been recognized for her university support and advocacy for women engineers by the Texas A&M Petroleum Engineering Department, Texas A&M College of Engineering and the Society of Women Engineers. Later this month, she will be only the second woman to be honored as an Outstanding Alumni of the College of Engineering.

Click the following link to view her full biography.

Debra Womack-Bourghs
Executive Ambassador
Oil & Gas Admins International, Inc.

Leaders Wanted – Submit Nominations for Corporate Ambassadors

Corporate Ambassador Leader Request

Oil & Gas Admins International is looking for outstanding leaders to serve as Corporate Ambassadors.

Corporate Ambassadors serve a very important leadership role as they are the connection between oil and energy corporations and O&GA International.   They ensure O&GA International keeps a finger on the pulse of industry needs and deliver content for O&GA activities, programs, and events within their respective oil and energy corporations. Corporate Ambassadors are assigned to and operate under O&GA Regions and serve in the year of their election with the option for re-election the following year.

We are now accepting nominations.  To represent Oil & Gas Admins International as a Corporate Ambassador for your corporation or to nominate a representative, please click the button below to complete the nomination form by February 13, 2015.

Click here for detailed Corporate Ambassador responsibilities and requirements.  For questions, please email

We look forward to receiving your nominations!


Leaders Wanted – Submit Nominations for Corporate Ambassadors

Corporate Ambassador Leader Request

Oil & Gas Admins International is looking for outstanding leaders to serve as Corporate Ambassadors.

Corporate Ambassadors serve a very important leadership role as they are the connection between oil and energy corporations and O&GA International.   They ensure O&GA International keeps a finger on the pulse of industry needs and deliver content for O&GA activities, programs, and events within their respective oil and energy corporations. Corporate Ambassadors are assigned to and operate under O&GA Regions and serve in the year of their election with the option for re-election the following year.

We are now accepting nominations.  To represent Oil & Gas Admins International as a Corporate Ambassador for your corporation or to nominate a representative, please click the button below to complete the nomination form by February 13, 2015.

Click here for detailed Corporate Ambassador responsibilities and requirements.  For questions, please email

We look forward to receiving your nominations!


Sara N. Ortwein to Keynote at the 2nd Annual O&GA International CVE

We are very proud to announce Sara N. Ortwein, President of ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company as a keynote speaker for the 2nd Annual O&GA International Conference and Vendor Exhibition.

Ms. Ortwein is a member of the Board of Directors for the Houston Zoo and the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, an executive member of The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST), and serves as chair of the organization’s Industry and Community Affiliates committee. She also serves as a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Houston Independent School District’s Energy Institute High School Advisory Board, and the University of Texas Engineering Advisory Board.

Click the following link to view her full biography.

Debra Womack-Bourghs
Executive Ambassador
Oil & Gas Admins International, Inc.

Definition of the Day – O&G Employee Personal Safety and Security – E-mail and Social Media

In the information age, keeping a tight hold on proprietary information is especially tricky, but is essential for oil and gas employees.  Employees may inadvertently create a safety risk by posting their company e-mail address to social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn.

Exposing the company e-mail address may expose the employee to unsolicited information from protesters, damaging computer viruses, etc.  Photos and location tracking services on social media sites may create opportunities for kidnapping, especially in hostile or politically unstable environments.

Social-Media Business Dangers

Definition of the Day – O&G Information Protection – Presentations and Publications

Employees may be asked to present at external industry events or to write articles for external industry publications.  Before doing so, most oil and gas employers insist that their employees receive business unit and corporate legal approval to ensure the employee is not exposing company proprietary information.  These requirements may also include approvals for abstracts, outlines and drafts.

Employers may also require employees to receive business unit and corporate legal approval to give presentations at internal conferences and to write articles for internal publications if competitors or other outside entities will attend the conference or have access to the publication.

O&G Industry External Publications may include:

  • Articles in Magazines and Newspapers such as Oil & Gas Journal, JPT, Texas Oil & Gas Magazine, World Oil Magazine, Offshore Drilling, Upstream, Etc.
  • Whitepapers– authoritative reports or guides helping readers solve a problem, make a decision, or understand an issue related to the oil and gas industry.  Usually submitted to organizations and associations.


Definition of the Day – O&G Corporate Compliance – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or FCPA was enacted for the purpose of making it unlawful for certain classes of persons and entities to make payments to foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business.  The Act governs not only payments to foreign officials, candidates, and parties, but any other recipient if part of the bribe is ultimately attributable to a foreign official, candidate, or party.  ,A bribe includes anything of value, including cash or non-cash items.

The FCPA applies to any person who has a certain degree of connection to the United States and engages in foreign corrupt practices. The Act also applies to any act by U.S. businesses, foreign corporations trading securities in the United States, American nationals, citizens, and residents acting in furtherance of a foreign corrupt practice whether or not they are physically present in the United States.

Ensuring employees are aware of the FCPA is especially important in the global oil and energy industry as variances in gift giving and relations may differ from country to country exposing employees to FCPA violations.

Persons and entities subject to FCPA include:

  • Any U.S. or foreign corporation that has a class of securities registered, or that is required to file reports under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934
  • Any individual who is a citizen, national, or resident of the United States and any corporation and other business entity organized under the laws of the United States or of any individual US State, or having its principal place of business in the United States

Oil & energy companies whose securities are listed in the United States must also meet FCPA accounting provisions.  These accounting provisions require corporations covered by the provisions to make and keep books and records that accurately and fairly reflect the transactions of the corporation and to devise and maintain an adequate system of internal accounting controls.

FCPA Exceptions

Payments to foreign officials may be legal under the FCPA if the payments are permitted under the written laws of the host country. Certain payments or reimbursements relating to product promotion may also be permitted under the FCPA.

Definition of the Day – API Gravity

American Petroleum Institute’s gravity “API gravity” is a standard to express the specific weight of oils, computed as (141.5/sp g) – 131.5, where sp is the specific gravity of the oil at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The lower the specific gravity value, the higher the API gravity will be.

Light Oil, also known as “conventional oil,” has an API gravity of at least 22° and a viscosity less than 100 centipoise (cp).  It flows naturally and can be pumped without being heated or diluted.

Heavy Oil is asphaltic, dense (low API gravity), and viscous (thick and sticky) oil that is chemically characterized by its content of asphaltenes (very large molecules incorporating most of the sulfur and perhaps 90% of the metals in the oil). Although variously defined, the upper limit for heavy oils has been set at 22°API gravity and a viscosity of less than 100 cP.  Heavy oils typically require heat or dilution to flow into a well or through a pipeline.

Extra Heavy Oil is the portion of heavy oil that has an API gravity of less than 10°.

Extra-Heavy Oil Natural Bitumen is also known as “oil sands”, and it shares the attributes of heavy oil but is even more dense and viscous.  Natural bitumen has a viscosity greater than 10,000 cp.

API Gravity Chart


American Petroleum Institute (API) – the largest US trade association for the oil and natural gas industry.



2015 O&GA Leadership Team Announcement

It is with great pleasure that we announce new members of the 2015 Oil & Gas Admins International Executive Leadership Team.  These exceptional individuals bring years of leadership and diverse oil and gas experience to the organization, as well as an eager drive to help others succeed.

The primary responsibility of O&GA’s Executive Leadership team is to ensure the execution of the organization’s global initiatives and its mission to:

  • foster exceptional career and personal development and performance through education and networking
  • expose oil and energy administrative and support professionals to industry information and technologies required for career advancement
  • provide opportunities to gain a certifiable overall knowledge of the global and diverse oil and energy industry through the OGAP Certification Program


Debra Womack-Bourghs - Executive AmbassadorDebra Womack-Bourghs, CAP will serve as Executive Ambassador, a lead Executive Committee role with diverse leadership responsibilities for the global organization that also governs the Regional Ambassadors.  Debra will serve a two-year term as Executive Ambassador for 2015 and as Immediate Past Executive Ambassador for 2016.  Read Debra’s full biography >>
Gemlyn for AnnouncementGemlyn Coote, CAP will serve as Vice-Executive Ambassador, an Executive Committee role in charge of operations and staff activities for the global organization, as well as other diverse responsibilities.  The Vice-Executive Ambassador serves a one-year term.  Read Gemlyn’s full biography >>
Jill D. Alexander - Western Region Ambassador
Jill D. Alexander, CAP will serve as Western Region Ambassador with diverse responsibilities that include governing the region’s Corporate Ambassadors, its O&GA activities, and representing the region on the Executive Committee.  O&GA’s Western Region includes California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii.  Regional Ambassadors serve a one-year term.  Read Jill’s full biography >>

Please join me in welcoming and celebrating these outstanding individuals for their contributions and their commitment to the success of Oil & Gas Admins International.

La Donna Finnels-Neal
Founder and CEO
Oil & Gas Admins International, Inc.