Category: Announcements

Definition of the Day – O&G Employee Personal Safety and Security – Office

Most oil and gas companies require employees to use sophisticated security badges and visitor management systems to ensure unwanted guests do not enter the office building.  As a result, employees are instructed to NEVER allow someone to tailgate (follow behind them) into the office building.  Doing so may put all employees in the office building at risk for physical harm and may create opportunities for loss of company protected information.

Additional employee personal safety and security precautions include:

  • Preventing employees from carrying firearms and concealed weapons in office buildings and employee parking garages.
  • Creating guidelines for employees to recognize and report strange employee behavior and how to proceed in the case of a workplace incident.
  • Creating guidelines for employees to recognize and report strange objects and objects left unattended and how to proceed in the case of a bomb threat, etc.

Badge Access

Definition of the Day – Unconventional Oil

Unconventional oil is petroleum produced or extracted using techniques other than the conventional (oil well) method.  It consists of a wider variety of liquid sources including oil sands, shale oil, extra heavy oil, gas to liquids and other liquids.  Unconventional oil is a substitute for conventional oil, however it is typically harder and more expensive to produce than conventional oil.


Oil Sands (Tar Sands) – either loose sand or partially consolidated sandstone containing a naturally occurring mixture of sand, clay, and water,saturated with a dense and extremely viscous (thick and sticky) form of petroleum technically referred to as bitumen (or sometimes referred to as tar due to its similar appearance, odor and color).  It is most commonly found in parts of Canada.

oil sands

Oil Shale – fine-grained sedimentary rock containing kerogen (a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds) from which shale oil, a liquid hydrocarbon, can be produced. The US holds major deposits of oil shale.

oil shale

Extra Heavy Oil – a type of crude oil characterized by an asphalt-like, dense, thick and sticky nature (similar to molasses), and its asphaltene (very large molecules incorporating roughly 90 percent of the sulfur and metals in the oil) content. It contains impurities such as waxes and carbon residue that have to be removed before being refined. Extra Heavy Oil has an API gravity of less than 10°.



Definition of the Day – Oil & Gas Life Cycle “Abandonment”

The end of the life of the field is when it is no longer economic for the operator to continue production, i.e. when the operating costs exceed the revenue from the sale of production. It is common around the world that operator might abandon the field prior to its depletion as a result of sale to other interested party. Such acquisition takes place between the super major operating company and independent oil company when production declines to the level not commercially attractive to the super-major.

It is becoming increasingly common around the world that offshore facilities must be dismantled and removed and the site restored to its original condition. The major activities during the decommissioning phase are:

  • plug and abandon wells by putting cement plugs into the wells at various depths and remove the well-head and casing to a depth of about 2 meters below the surface or seabed
  • dismantle and remove the jacket and all facilities from the site, ensuring that there is no contamination of the environment from any oil or waste material remaining in the process facilities
  • restore the site to its original condition
  • conduct a final environmental impact study

Well Abandonment

Definition of the Day – Oil & Gas Life Cycle “Production”

PRODUCTION phase is targeted at bringing the well fluids to the surface and preparing them for use in refinery or processing plant. All production and maintenance activities would be carried out to meet strict safety and environmental policies and procedures . The main activities in this phase are as follows:

  • Regulate production and injection to meet approved plans for the quantity and quality of product.
  • Monitor and record all information to manage the reservoir, wells and facilities.  This could lead to further reservoir development or modifications to the facilities
  • Plan and schedule all production and maintenance activities to minimize production deferment and operating costs
  • Carry out maintenance to safeguard the technical integrity of all wells and facilities and ensure their availability over the life of the field.


Definition of the Day – Oil & Gas Life Cycle “Development”

Field DEVELOPMENT planning in the initial phase could involve the assessment of more than one development option.  Four components of a Development plan can be used to describe each option:


  • number, location, type of wells;
  • assessment of oil recovery mechanism;
  • assessment of production over the development stage


  • the design of wells to meet production requirements


  • process facilities
  • infrastructure
  • terminal/export facilities

Operating and Maintenance strategies:

  • manning level
  • daily production level
  • support requirements, for ex. helicopters, supply vessels


Definition of the Day – Oil & Gas Life Cycle “Appraisal”

The exploration phase of the oil and gas life cycle closely intertwines with the next stage of the process which is APPRAISAL.  The objective of Appraisal is to obtain information about the reservoir to decide whether or not to proceed with development of the field. This stage is comprised of the following activities:

  • Planning and execution of a data acquisition program of additional seismic,
  • Reprocessing existing seismic data to obtain enhanced results and the drilling of
  • Appraisal wells
  • Evaluation of the results from the seismic and appraisal drilling activities
  • Using the information from the seismic and drilling programs to update the computer reservoir simulation models
  • Conduct initial conceptual field development planning and an environmental impact assessment (EIA) study of these conceptual plans

appraisal well1 appraisal well2