Don’t Forget to Join Us December 5th for O&GA’s 5th Annual Holiday Social at the Houston Downtown Aquarium!

Don’t Forget to Join Us December 5th for O&GA’s 5th Annual Holiday Social at the Houston Downtown Aquarium!  The event begins at 5:00 PM.

As a reminder, WE’VE MOVED from The Westin Houston Downtown to The Downtown Aquarium! 

The Downtown Aquarium is just a short distance from The Westin.  See the map below. 


This event promises to be one of our best ever!  It is also being sponsored by our fabulous member Visit Lake Charles!


Q.  I have already registered.  Will I need to register again? 

A. No.  You will not need to register again.

Q.  I will not know if I can attend until the day of the event.  May I register on-site?

A.  Yes,  you may register on-site, but we encourage pre-registration to ensure the counts for food/drinks are correct.  You may not be eligible for giveaways if you register on-site.

Q.  I would like to bring someone with me.  Will they need to register as well?

A.  Yes, we encourage all attendees to pre-register.

Q.  May I donate a giveaway for the event?  If so, how would I submit my donation?

A.  YES!  We encourage giveaway donations!  Please click the following link, enter the date of the event and your donation.

Q.  What is the attire?

A.  Holiday festive.  Business or After 5 attire